

Pros & Cons of Recessed Lighting

Pros & Cons of Recessed Lighting

Feb 19th 2018 Staff

There are many reasons why recessed lighting could be a great fit for your home, and also many reasons why recessed lighting could be a terrible idea. Consider these pros and cons of recessed lighting … read more
Layering Kitchen Lighting for Your Home

Layering Kitchen Lighting for Your Home

Jan 24th 2018 Staff

Kitchens are not just for cooking and eating, most kitchens are truly the heart of the home. In more modern homes, the open concept kitchen has become common and allows for food prepping, eating, and … read more
Lighting a Rental Property

Lighting a Rental Property

Jul 10th 2017 Staff

When you’re adding new lighting to your own home, it can be somewhat easy to pick fixtures based on how they look and how they will function within a certain room. A rental property that you own may r … read more
A New Lighting Design for the New Year

A New Lighting Design for the New Year

Nov 21st 2016 Staff

It may only be November, but the New Year isn’t far away. There are plenty of new things that come about when the calendar changes, and you may have grand plans for your home in 2017. A major part of … read more

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